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Fields of Mistria marriage candidates and gift guide


It was impossible for me not to fall in love with every one of the Fields of Mistria marriage candidates, so much so that I've struggled just to choose who I want to date. So I'm just covering all my bases and building up my relationships with all of them just in case.

As both newcomers and veterans of life sims will have already realized, there's a lot of information to remember. Just like with Stardew Valley, I'm getting a lot of use out of the Fields of Mistria wiki, and highly recommend you make use of the community-curated resource if you want a deep dive. 

But maybe you want the tailored study guide version of a gifts list instead of the encyclopedia that is a wiki. I've crunched the details for you in this marriage candidates gift guide so you only need to worry about which gifts are actually attainable. I'll tell you which easy gifts to give each character all year round and what you should have your eye on gifting them for their birthdays as well.

Fields of Mistria marriage candidates

Who are the Fields of Mistria marriage candidates? 

At launch, there are 10 marriage candidates in Fields of Mistria: 

  • Adeline
  • Balor
  • Celine
  • Eiland
  • Hayden
  • Juniper
  • March
  • Reina
  • Ryis
  • Valen

As of early access launch, you cannot actually get married to any of them though. You can achieve a total of 4 relationship hearts out of 10 with all of them, with later heart events and marriage coming later in early access. There are two more unrevealed marriage candidates as well, coming in future updates.

Fields of Mistria gift guide

Down below I'll run through all the marriage candidates and what you should gift them. This is a condensed version to help you build relationships as easily as possible, but you can find a full list of loved and liked gifts on the player-maintained Fields of Mistria wiki. Here's what I'll be recommending:

Loved gifts: Full list of each character's loved gifts, for reference

Easiest gifts: Gifts that are easiest or cheapest to acquire so you can build friendship year round, often these are "liked" tier gifts

Best birthday gift: A loved gift that's easiest or cheapest to attain in time for a character's birthday, especially if you're still in year 1


Birthday: Winter 18

Adeline is one of the two noble siblings, sister to Eiland, and takes charge of Mistria's administration. She is organized, direct, and friendly.

Loved gifts: Coffee, gazpacho, lemon pie, middlemist, peaches and cream, plum blossom, pumpkin pie, tea with lemon
Easiest gifts: Tulip (plant in spring), heather (forage in fall), Snapdragon (forage in winter)
Best birthday gift: Coffee

The easiest birthday present for Adeline is coffee, which you can buy from Darcy at the saturday market for just 100 tesserae. You could also gift her a middlemist flower that you've foraged, but those grow in spring so you may not have remembered to stash any of them all the way until winter. It's easier to just grab a hot cup of coffee the Saturday before her birthday and hang onto it. If Darcy isn't selling it that day, go for tea with lemon or pumpkin pie instead. You can also settle for foraging a snapdragon flower.


Birthday: Summer 10 

Balor is a merchant who brings goods into Mistria and is known to be confident and flirtatious. 

Loved gifts: Alda gem bracelet, chili coconut curry, deluxe curry, family crest pendant, perfect emerald, perfect ruby, perfect sapphire
Easiest gifts: Snowdrop anemone (forage in spring), ruby
Best birthday gift: Perfect ruby

The easiest birthday present for Balor is a perfect ruby. You can find these in the upper levels (1-20) of the mines by mining ruby nodes. The perfect ones are more rare, of course, but I found and sold several of these within my first season, so you should have at least one tucked away by Summer without trouble. If you're really in a pinch though, just give him a regular ruby for his birthday and tell him you were pressed for time.


Birthday: Summer 14

Celine is daughter of the general store owners Holt and Nora, and works as a gardener. She is friendly but a little shy.

Loved gifts: Crystal rose, frost lily, hydrangea, middlemist, plum blossom, rose, snowdrop anemone, spring galette
Easiest gifts: Snowdrop anemone (forage in spring), hydrangea (forage in summer)
Best birthday gift: Hydrangea (forage in summer)

The easiest birthday gift for Celine is a hydrangea flower. Thank goodness this girl is so easy to please. Hydrangeas are one of her loved gifts and they can be foraged in the same season as her birthday. Even if you forget about her birthday until the day of, you should have no trouble running out to the forest east of town and snagging one off a bush.


Birthday: Summer 20 

Eiland is one of Mistria's nobles, Adeline's brother, and interested in archaeology. He's friendly and outgoing. 

Loved gifts: Chocolate cake, coconut cream pie, glowberry cookies, golden cheesecake, golden cookies, ice cream sundae, mont blanc, pumpkin pie, strawberry shortcake
Easiest gifts: Chocolate, caramel candy, berries and cream
Best birthday gift: Strawberry shortcake or pumpkin pie

The easiest birthday gift for Eiland is strawberry shortcake. Eiland loves food, specifically expensive or hard to make foods, so he's a bit of a pain to give gifts to. The easiest thing to do year round is make caramel candy for him, a default recipe you can make at low skill levels. You'll just need to mill butter from milk and buy sugar from the general store. For his birthday, try to find a strawberry shortcake. You may have lucked into him giving you this recipe for delivering a strawberry as a quest, but you can also buy a strawberry shortcake either at Darcy's saturday market stall or Balor's wagon. All of his other loved gifts are higher tier recipes that you won't have the ingredients to cook prior to your first summer.


Birthday: Winter 8

Hayden is owner of Sweetwater Farm in Mistria, has a pet chicken named Henrietta, and is both earnest and friendly. 

Loved gifts: Golden butter, golden cheese, golden milk, golden duck egg, golden duck mayonnaise, golden egg, golden mayonnaise, pumpkin pie, stone horse, vegetable quiche
Easiest gifts: Egg, milk, butter, cheese
Best birthday gift: Pumpkin pie

The easiest birthday gift for Hayden is a pumpkin pie. I'm shocked that Hayden has more premium taste than Eiland or Juniper but here we are. He's very easy to give regular dairy product gifts to year round but his loved gifts are all golden varieties or products you likely won't have yet. For his birthday I recommend splurging on a pumpkin pie from Darcy's stall at the Saturday market for 1000 tesserae if she has one. If you missed your chance at that, just give him a regular old egg. It's the thought that counts, even if he doesn't love it.


Birthday: Fall 26

Juniper is owner of the bathhouse in Mistria. She has a pet dog named Dozy, and is a bit snobbish, looking down on life in a small town.  

Loved gifts: Ancient royal scepter, black tablet, crystal rose, golden cookies, moon fruit cake, mushroom brew, pizza
Easiest gifts: Middlemist (forage in spring), fog orchid (forage in fall), poinsettia (forage in winter)
Best birthday gift: Mushroom brew

The easiest birthday gift for Juniper is mushroom brew. Or at least that's the cheapest, if it's available at Darcy's Saturday market stall for 80 tesserae. She's got a pretty challenging loved gifts list. If you happen to have already earned the recipe for moon fruit cake by bringing her a moon fruit on the quest board earlier in fall, you may be able to whip one of those together, though the honey you need for that recipe requires you to have already upgraded the general store. In a pinch, you can forage a fog orchid flower to give her from her list of liked gifts. I typically find them out by the archeological dig site west of town.


Birthday: Spring 16 

March is a blacksmith in Mistria with his brother Olric and is initially very standoffish and dismissive. 

Loved gifts: Meteorite, perfect copper ore, perfect iron ore, perfect silver ore, sushi platter
Easiest gifts: Copper ore, iron ore, silver ore
Best birthday gift: Perfect copper ore

The easiest birthday gift for March is perfect copper ore. You might be slightly hard-pressed to find one by his birthday in the second week of spring in your first year, but since you can find them in the upper mines levels (1-20), it's more achievable than his other loved gifts. Barring that, you can give him a regular copper ore instead, since he probably doesn't like you that much yet anyway.


Birthday: Fall 12 

Reina is the cook at the inn, owned by her parents Hemlock and Josephine and is very friendly and generous. 

Loved gifts: Breaded catfish, cabbage slaw, ice cream sundae, rosemary garlic noodles, seafood boil, seafood snow pea noodles, sushi platter
Easiest gifts: Daffodil, garlic, cheese
Best birthday gift: Cabbage slaw

The easiest birthday gift for Reina is cabbage slaw. Like Eiland, Reina mostly loves food so she's tricky to prepare a gift for. Luckily, the cabbage slaw recipe is easy to earn and cheap to make as long as you've saved some spring ingredients. You'll get the recipe after you ship just one cabbage in the spring, and cooking it requires one cabbage and one fennel, which is foraged in spring. If you didn't plan that far ahead you can forage some garlic in fall, which is on her liked gifts list.


Birthday: Spring 4

Ryis is a carpenter in Mistria with his uncle Landen and is both confident and friendly. 

Loved gifts: Golden bristle, golden bull horn, golden cheesecake, golden cookies, golden duck feather, golden horse hair, golden feather, hard wood, lobster roll
Easiest gifts: Stone, wood, lilac
Best birthday gift: Hard wood

The easiest birthday gift for Ryis is hard wood—and I don't want to hear you making jokes about it! Ryis has a very early birthday, so getting him the best gift is tricky, not least because everything else on his loved gifts list is unattainable until much later. In year 1, you probably won't even have a copper axe to harvest hard wood yet (but well done if you do). In year 1, you may have to settle for giving him a regular piece of wood or stone. If you're feeling romantic, you could forage a lilac for him, which he also likes.


Birthday: Fall 1

Valen is the town doctor in Mistria and is friendly but also calm and reserved.

Loved gifts: Beet salad, beet soup, beet, deep sea soup, rosemary garlic noodles, summer salad, sushi platter, vegetable soup
Easiest gifts: Dandelion, garlic
Best birthday gift: Vegetable soup or beet

The easiest birthday gift for Valen is a beet. She really likes beets. The trouble is, beets grow in winter and Valen's birthday is on Fall 1, so this won't work in your first year unless you happen to have bought one from Balor's cart. A year 1 alternative is the vegetable soup, which you can get the recipe for from attending Josephine's cooking class on the request board in spring. You'll need a potato grown in spring and a tomato and basil from summer, which is all attainable in time for her birthday so long as you've reached at least cooking level 16. If you aren't quite that prepared, you can forage some garlic for her on the first day of fall.