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Electricity consumption in Belarus in 2023 at record high

Electricity consumption increased by 2.5 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in Belarus in 2023 to a record high of 41.1 billion kWh. Positive dynamics continued into this year as well, the Energy Ministry told BelTA. Thanks to stimulating measures implemented by the head of state and the government positive dynamics of electricity consumption remains in place in Belarus. The pace of construction of new homes, which heavily rely on electricity, has increased thanks to the development of the power grid infrastructure. Massive efforts are being exercised to switch single-family houses to electric heating. According to the Energy Ministry, the volume of electricity Belarusians used for heating increased by 1.4 times in 2023. Energy-intensive manufacturing develops quite dynamically. Close attention is paid to the expansion of the use of electric vehicles. The Energy Ministry underlined that a broad network of electric vehicle charging stations has been set up in Belarus. The country’s occupies leading positions in terms of the number of EV charging stations in the post-Soviet space. Pilot projects to convert the mass transit system to electric vehicles have already been implemented in several cities: Zhodino and Shklov. Representatives of mass media and the expert community of Kazakhstan came to the Belarusian nuclear power plant on 23 August as part of a media tour. Participants of the media tour will be made familiar with Belarus’ experience of forming the infrastructure for the development of the nuclear energy industry, approaches to ensuring the security of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the best practices in the field of personnel training, and examples of cooperation with leading international organizations.