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Russia imposes ‘temporary’ ban on imports of Armenian fruit and vegetables



YEREVAN, 19 July. /ARKA/. The Armenian government's Food Safety Inspectorate confirmed today that it has received a letter from Russia's Rosselkhoznadzor (agricultural watchdog) notifying that it has temporarily banned imports of agricultural products of 16 Armenian companies./pp

In the letter received on 17 July, Rosselkhoznadzor said it had detected violations in batches of fruit and vegetables imported from Armenia in April-June and restricted their supplies from 15 July./pp 'Negotiations with the participation of specialists of the two structures have started. An agreement was reached to organise an online conference for prompt resolution of the problem in accordance with the logic of common processes of the Eurasian Economic Union,’ the Food Safety Inspectorate said./pp

It noted that in addition to the certification process, it is planned to apply new means and tools for periodic laboratory control to avoid such problems./pp

According to the Armenian government, Armenian exports of fruits and vegetables totalled $182.5 million in 2023 and about $70 million in January-May 2024. More than 90 percent of them went to Russia./pp/pp

The Food Safety Inspectorate of Armenia performs supervisory functions with regard to fruit and vegetable products in terms of their bio-sanitary state, and conducts monitoring to find out whether plants are infected with quarantine pests./pp

Samples are taken during border control and laboratory examination is conducted, according to the results of which a bio-sanitary certificate on the absence of quarantine infections is issued and export is allowed. -0-nbsp;nbsp;/pp -nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/p