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Ronald Suny: Armenia’s dream of becoming a "New Israel” was unrealistic


Ronald Grigor Suny, Distinguished University Professor of History at the University of Michigan, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and History at the University of Chicago, spoke about the causes and consequences of the 2020 war.

The historian believes that Armenia’s dream of becoming a “New Israel” was unrealistic, and manifestations of “imperial overreach” eventually led to disaster.

Topics of conversation

00:00 –  Introduction
01:00 –  “The death of the Armenian dream was predictable, but not inevitable”
03:30 –  The dream of becoming a “New Israel” was unrealistic
05:20 –  Possible and impossible concessions
07:40 –  Does war sober people?
10:50 –  The perspective of the peace treaty, the role of the US and Russia
13:40 –  The lessons of history and the imperative of strengthening Armenia
18:30 –  International pressure does not always yield results
23:40 –  The dilemma of being obsessed with history and looking to the future
26:30 –  “History of the Armenian Genocide” book
29:30 –  Perception of Armenia’s problems by the Diaspora
33:25 –  The roots and the importance of being Armenian