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Grants competition for non-urban tourism development



YEREVAN, June 21. /ARKA/. The branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia and ACBA Federation continue the program of non-urban tourism development./pp

In order to promote sustainable development of this sector, ACBA and NABU have announced the Green Hotel grants competition, encouraging the use of sustainable development practices by non-urban hotels and guesthouses ./pp

The competition is open to existing hotels and guesthouses that:/pul li p are located in rural areas, /p /li li p are owned and operated by local residents, /p /li li p have at least 5 rooms /p /li li p have used sustainable practices. /p /li/ulp

Rewards of the competition are as follows:/pul li p 3 000 000 AMD (1st place), /p /li li p 2 000 000 AMD (2nd place), /p /li li p 1 000 000 AMD (3rd place). /p /li/ulp

The deadline for submitting entries is August 01, 2024, 23:59 GMT+4. To apply, please complete the application a href= by following this link: a href= br/pp br/pp

The winners will be announced on September 1, 2024. If you have any questions, you can call +374 44 599949 or send an email to a;/p br br