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General Istrakov: "Baku, Moscow and Ankara successfully coordinate efforts”


According to Azerbaijani media, the general said this while speaking at the closing ceremony of the joint Turkish-Russian monitoring center in Aghdam.

Sergey Istrakov noted that the center, which started its work on January 30, 2021, “was an example of successful interaction and active joint work of servicemen of the three countries for the sake of lasting peace in the Azerbaijani land.”

“During its activity, Russian and Turkish peacekeepers have created a reliable system of control, compliance with the ceasefire and all military actions, laid a firm foundation for the establishment of peaceful life in the long-suffering land,” he said.

“All the tasks set by the Russian and Turkish colleagues were solved in a friendly working atmosphere. Together with the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Karabakh, everything possible was done for the constructive and conflict-free development of the region.

Azerbaijani-Russian-Turkish relations are developing in the spirit of friendship and good-neighborliness. Major joint economic projects are being implemented in various directions. Baku, Moscow and Ankara successfully coordinate efforts in addressing important issues on the regional and global agenda,” General Istrakov noted.