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J.J. Abrams Confirms There Will Be No More Trailers For 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'


Last week the Earth shook with the arrival of the new trailer for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," leaving everyone amped up for the sequel that's due to arrive in two months. And where most blockbusters would have another trailer planned to make the most of those marketing dollars, "Star Wars" is no ordinary property, and keeping things mysterious will be the key to the big box office everyone is expecting. Or at least, that's what Disney hopes, as director J.J. Abrams reveals that after last week's promo, that's about it in terms of trailers. 

“The next thing is really going to be the movie. Well, there’ll be commercials, but no more trailers,” he told Extra (via Collider). The interviewer also tried to probe Abrams on the "Evil Luke Skywalker" theory that's floating around, but Abrams nicely danced around answering that one.

Meanwhile, one person who couldn't give two bits about 'The Force Awakens' is David Prowse, the original actor behind...