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Bulgaria Е-Voting Referendum: 73% Said 'Yes' - Partial Count


Electoral officials in Bulgaria have said some 73.51% of voters in a referendum have backed the introduction of e-voting as a valid method in future polls, with nearly three-quarters of ballots processed.

This translates into 1 700 000 "yes" votes, of 6 363 000 eligible citizens.

Interim figures suggest some 26.49% of voters rejected the idea.

An employee of AFIS polling agency meanwhile told the Bulgarian National Radio that some 88% of people who cast a ballot in the Sunday local elections took part in the referendum.

In his words, most of those who backed online voting were supporters of the two main partners in Bulgaria's coalition government, namely conservative GERB and right-wing Reformist Bloc (78% of the former's electorate and 84% of the latter's voters were in favor of the referendum).

Some 50% of socialist opposition voters, however, also supported the move.

If confirmed by final count, referendum results will add the proposal to Parliament's agenda, but will not be binding on lawmakers.