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The UN turns 70: Is it fit for purpose?

The United Nations is marking its 70th anniversary this autumn. asked some of the biggest UN players in Geneva if the organisation is ready for the 21st century. Enumerating the UN’s achievements since it was founded in 1945 is arguably a long, difficult task. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon recently had a go at a shortish list: “Every day the UN makes a positive difference for millions of people: vaccinating children, distributing food aid, sheltering refugees, deploying peacekeepers, protecting the environment, seeking the peaceful resolution of disputes and supporting democratic elections, gender equality, human rights and rule of law.” On October 24, members of the public were invited to reflect on its accomplishments at an open day at the UN Palais des Nations complex in Geneva. Around 18,000 people attended. One of the highlights was the unveiling of a new sculpture in the nearby Ariana Park. “The Rebirth” is composed of 193 large stones – one ...