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Kirsten Dunst Says ‘Midnight Special’ Will Screen At SXSW 2016, Is Co-Writing A Dark Comedy She Plans To Direct


What’s going on with Jeff Nichols’ John Carpenter-esque “Midnight Special” you ask? Well, after being dated for November of this year, Warner Bros. pushed the film back to March 18, 2016. Some watercooler talk around The Playlist noted its the date this was all of one week ahead of the studio's “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which doesn’t really give it much time to succeed or pick up an audience because WB will be 100% focused on their mega-franchise — easily their most important film of 2016.

However, we may have found an answer to WB’s release date reasoning for dropping "Midnight Special" in March. Kirsten Dunst, one of the co-stars in Nichols’ film, is currently promoting season two of “Fargo,” and she revealed on a recent Nerdist podcast that she will be in Austin, Texas with the film in March (fast forward to the last two minutes of the podcast). The SXSW Film Festival runs from March 11-19, so if it makes its world premiere in Austin just a few...