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Armenian President talks about upcoming talks with EU


Serzh Sargsyan said it in his speech at the congress of the European People’s Party (EPP) in Madrid, on October 21.

“The Eastern Partnership Summit of Riga welcomed the common understanding reached on the scope for a future agreement between the EU and Armenia. Today I am glad to note that we have reached a new responsible milestone in our relations with the EU: last week the EU Council in Luxembourg adopted mandate to open negotiations on a new, legally binding and overarching agreement with Armenia. I strongly believe that negotiations will result in an elaborate document outlining comprehensive cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, and it will become the best assurance for our joint commitment to elevate Armenia-EU relations to a new stage”, said the President of Armenia.

Serzh Sargsyan talked about constitutional changes as well.

“In our country we continue development of the democratic institutions, balance separate branches of power, and protect human rights and independence of judiciary. We have taken an important step in this direction by initiating constitutional reform in our country, which is implemented in close cooperation with the Venice Commission. Should our people approve the Constitutional amendments on December 6, Armenia will transform its semi-presidential model of governance into the parliamentary one, which in its turn will make more efficient interaction of the separate branches of power, lay ground for more intensive economic development, increase the level of the human rights protection and institutional role of the opposition”, said the President.