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Keeping It Sexy: Your Personality Is the Best Accessory

We often talk about people 'wearing their hearts on their sleeve' or that something 'fits like a glove.' Sometimes we fly 'by the seat of our pants' or feel 'down at the heels.' If the 'shoe fits,' we wear it, but at times, we get 'too big for our breeches.' When we're angry we'd like to 'beat the pants off someone,' but we don't dare 'air our dirty laundry in public' or go around in our 'birthday suit.'

Our clothes and accessories are the 'aces we keep up our sleeves'. We use fashion to express our style, likes, and even our dislikes. Yet it's possible to forget every now and then that being 'dressed to kill' is still a lesser priority than the personality filling the clothes.

You are at your sexiest when you are being yourself. There's no doubt about that. But there are rough times, too. We clash with different personalities at work or have a large order to fill in a short amount of time. We all have problems to solve at home with our spouses, kids, parents, or siblings. The trials of life can get us down, affecting the way we interact with others. If we don't watch out, losing touch with oneself can become a long-term disorder like depression.

It's important to wear your heart on your sleeve because it keeps you aware of yourself. Let yourself be happy, sad, or angry now and then, but don't forget simple positivity. Keep your head up in bad times and let people see your magnificence always.

Your personality is like the pair of earrings that always catch the right light and brighten up any outfit or hairstyle. It's your asset in any given situation. Treat it delicately, as you would a thin negligée. At the same time, recognize how it's just as durable and reliable as the sturdiest pair of work boots. Your personality is your best accessory. Dress it to the nines.

Intimately Yours,


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