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Russia expects reaching a "package” agreement


Here are excerpts from the interview:

“Historic milestone”

“The Declaration on Allied Interaction adopted by the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan on February 22 has certainly become a historic milestone in the relations between our countries. The document sets goals in key areas of cooperation and sets a clear vector for further joint work for years to come.”

“Deserves special respect”

“I would like to emphasize that Baku’s fundamental attitude towards the development of allied relations with Moscow deserves special respect in these difficult times for international relations. We will develop our alliance without regard to external environment.”

“Rapprochement with the EAEU meets Azerbaijan’s interests”

“We believe that rapprochement with the EAEU fully meets the interests of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani partners can take full advantage of the common markets of goods, services and capital of the union.”

“Discussions of “package” underway”

 “The restoration of transport communications in the region is one of the key elements of the Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization. Within the framework of the trilateral working group, a “package” of main projects is being agreed on with an emphasis on launching railway and road links between Azerbaijan and Armenia with possible access to neighboring countries. These projects include the construction of a railway, as well as highways between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic through the territory of Armenia’s Syunik region.

We expect to reach a “package” agreement at the next meeting of the trilateral working group. This will follow the implementation of specific projects with all the interested companies having an opportunity to join them. I am convinced that following the results of the announced tenders, Russian operators will also be among the participants.”

“Lachin corridor”

“Importantly, the mode of operation of Lachin corridor will not change. Russian peacekeepers have relocated to a temporary road, and by April 1, 2023 they will switch to a new route.”

The format of co-chairmanship and “caprices”

“The format of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship was paralyzed after the US and French co-chairs “froze” interaction with their Russian counterpart on February 24, without prior notification and consultations. Such a gross violation of the basic principle of “troika’s” work – consensus rule – happened for the first time in the thirty-year history of the OSCE Minsk Group.

After a while, mediated signals began to come from Paris about the readiness to resume contacts through the co-chairs, as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, we still have not received a clear explanation of the reasons for blocking the work of the platform. There are no guarantees that such destructive actions will not be repeated in the future under yet another far-fetched pretext.

The processes of normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia should not depend on the caprices of Western players. We have a vast field for joint work with Baku and Yerevan on the implementation of the trilateral agreements of our leaders.”