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Assistant Professor of French (Texas Tech University), Contemporary French Literature



The Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures at Texas Tech University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor of French to begin in Fall 2023. We are seeking a dynamic teacher-scholar with a research specialization in contemporary (20th-21st c.) French literature and culture. In order to complement existing departmental strengths, we hope to recruit a colleague whose work has a primarily European focus, but engagement with and knowledge of other Francophone cultures is welcome. Substantive research and/or teaching interests in other periods or in particular critical methodologies are likewise desirable, but not required. The successful candidate will show evidence of strong scholarly achievement or potential as demonstrated by top-tier, innovative publications and/or works in progress; a capacity for excellent teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels as both a specialist and a generalist; and a demonstrated and ongoing commitment to serving diverse student populations. The candidate must have the Ph.D. in hand by the time of appointment. Native or near-native fluency in French is required.
Responsibilities of the position include an ongoing program of research, commitment to excellent undergraduate and graduate teaching at a range of levels and on diverse subjects, collegial collaboration with other members of the French section and CMLL, and service to the department, college, and university, including program-building, recruitment initiatives and active commitment to extra-curricular activities. Candidates with strong records of scholarship supported by extramural funding and with the proven capacity or clear potential to bring externally sponsored research to Texas Tech University are encouraged to apply.

Submit online a letter of application, a CV detailing relevant experience, and a dossier including a short sample of published scholarly work (30 pp. maximum), a teaching statement, and two (2) sample syllabi. Send three (3) confidential letters of recommendation either by email to or by post to Misty Rangel, Attn: French Search Committee, Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures, Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 42071, Lubbock, TX 79409-2071. Review of applications will begin immediately, and screening will continue until the position is filled.  Applications must be received by Friday, 4 November 2022 to ensure full consideration. Initial interviews with selected candidates will be conducted by video conference in late November or early December. 

Click here to apply.