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PICS: ANC 4th National General Council


Delegates have gathered for the ANC’s 4th National General Council to assess the implementation of resolutions from conference.


The African National Congress convenes the 4th National General Council from 8th October until Sunday, 11th October 2015.

The National General Council takes place every 5 years, mid-term between National Conferences, and is convened to assess implementation of ANC resolutions from conference, their adoption into government policy and translation into programmes.

During the opening address, President Zuma warned the ANC that supporters are growing tired of the lack of discipline, infighting and divisions in the ruling party.

In a blunt assessment in his political report, Zuma told a stunned conference that the ANC’s numbers had dropped dramatically from one million in 2012, when the party turned 100, to around 769 000 now.

Independent Media