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Armenia and Israel are not trusted in Turkey similarly


As of the results of the Turkish Perceptions survey conducted by German Marshal Fund of the United States (GMF), only 10% of Turkish people have favorable attitude to Armenia; the index is even lower in case of Israel - 8%.

The respondents of the survey had generally unfavorable opinions of other countries except Azerbaijan. That country was seen favorably by 63% of respondents. Azerbaijan was followed by the European Union and Germany, which enjoyed the favorable views of 41% and 38% of respondents, respectively.

The United States, a strategic ally, was only seen favorably by 23%.

Russia was viewed favorably by 26% of respondents. Iran and Northern Iraq were very close to Russia’s score, above 20%. Greece and Syria were viewed with disfavor at similar levels (15% and 14%, respectively).

50% of the responders couldn’t answer what country they think is Turkey’s strategic ally, 41% said that they don’t know, 9% responded that Ankara doesn’t have a strategic ally.

The Turkish Perceptions survey was conducted by The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) with financial support from the U.S. Embassy in Ankara. Survey fieldwork was carried out between July 4 and July 13, 2015, through face-to-face interviews with 1,018 respondents. The sampling framework was designed to represent a cross-section of Turkish adults and was conducted in 16 provinces.