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Woody Allen Goes Digital For The First Time On His New Film With Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively, And More


At 79 years old, Woody Allen may have a very familiar filmmaking routine, but that doesn't mean he isn't willing to shake things up. He's got an Amazon series on his plate, and he's currently at work on his next feature, starring Blake Lively, Parker Posey, Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeannie Berlin, Corey Stoll, Anna Camp, Paul Schneider, and Steve Carell and this time around, he's dropped celluloid for digital.

Sony announced today the untitled movie is shooting with their CineAlta F65 camera, with three-time Academy Award winner Vittorio Storaro ("Apocalypse Now," "Reds," "The Last Emperor") behind the camera. Even more, the movie will melt your eyeballs by being mastered in 4K. Take that Gordon Willis! (Of course, I'm joking). 

READ MORE: Bruce Willis Exits Woody Allen's New Film

This movie shouldn't be a tremendous surprise given that earlier this year, Allen teased that he might be moving to digital, and didn't profess any...