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Watch: Explore Guillermo del Toro's 'Crimson Peak' With New Clip, Featurettes And TV Spots


We're less than two weeks away from being able to step into Guillermo del Toro's "Crimson Peak," and while the critics who saw the movie at Fantastic Fest are embargoed at the moment, the buzz that has leaked out is pretty positive. So, until the verdicts officially arrive, and prior to being able to see the movie for yourself, a wealth of new peeks have arrived.

READ MORE: Watch 3 Spooky New Clips From Guillermo del Toro's 'Crimson Peak'

As you likely already known, the powerhouse cast of Jessica Chastain, Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska, and Charlie Hunnam star in the spooky movie about a woman who gets married, and winds up in a house that holds all kinds of creepy secrets. Frankly, this is mode I prefer del Toro to be working in — moody and atmospheric — rather than making big machines clang together in "Pacific Rim."

"Crimson Peak" opens on October 16th. Watch a new clip, featurettes, and TV spots below.