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Catalonia torn in two

Catalan independentismo won in the September 28 regional elections. But it lost the so-called plebiscite on secession. As a result, Catalonia now faces a difficult future with its society divided and the links with the rest of Spain deeply eroded. To understand the ‘Catalan question’ it is important to bear in mind that until recently Catalonian society was roughly split into three parts. One-third was formed by the communion of the rural population and the urban middle and upper classes who feel that Catalonia is a stand-alone nation due to its own language and culture, and greater prosperity than the rest of Spain. The second third, which is sociologically less cohesive, was formed by descendants of immigrants from other Spanish regions who retain a predominantly Spanish identity and have Castilian as their mother tongue. The last third has traditionally been made up of those with a shared Spanish-Catalan identity who tend to be truly bilingual. ...