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Bulgaria to Open 312 Overseas Polling Stations for Referendum on E-Voting


Bulgarians living abroad will be able to vote in the national referendum on October 25 on the introduction of remote electronic voting at 312 polling stations in 45 countries.

The largest numbers of polling stations will be opened in the US, Spain, and Germany, according to a media statement of Bulgaria’s Central Electoral Commission (CEC).

The number of polling stations in Turkey has been substantially reduced to a total of 21 polling stations, compared to 136 polling station at the last parliamentary elections held on October 5, 2014, according to reports of

Polling stations overseas are opened on the basis of the submitted declarations by overseas voters, including electronic and paper-based ones, and on the basis of proposals of heads of diplomatic and consular missions to open polling stations in new places or reduce the number of ones already opened.

The decision of Bulgaria’s Central Electoral Commission (CEC), which approves the opening of the overseas polling stations, states that a letter from the Foreign Ministry suggests a reduction of the number of polling stations in Turkey and specifies their total number and locations.

The measure is explained with the upcoming elections in the host country and the lack of ability to provide administrative and logistical assistance.

Bulgaria’s head of mission in Slovenia proposes the opening of a polling station in Ljubljana.

Requests for polling stations have also been tabled by Morocco (Rabat), Croatia (Zagreb), and Serbia (Belgrade).

Due to concerns for the safety of voters, Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry proposes that no polling stations be opened in Afghanistan’s Kabul or Kandahar.

Due to the lack of a permit by the host country, no polling stations will be opened in Germany’s Hamm, Aachen, and Waldorf.

The decision of the CEC can be appealed before the Supreme Administrative Court (VAS) within 3 days of its announcement.