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Ridley Scott Says Neil Blomkamp’s ‘Alien’ Film Is A “Kinda Sequel”


So, what’s going on with Neil Blomkamp’s “Alien 5” now that Ridley Scott is making “Alien: Paradise Lost,” a.k.a. “Prometheus 2,” and possibly planning two more films that connect to the original “Alien” film? Well, while there have been rumors that Scott was none too pleased when he first learned about Blomkamp’s pitch — especially since he’s still in the middle of his “Prometheus” spin-offs — he’s clearly come to Jesus with Fox and Blomkamp, will act as a producer on the film, and apparently the younger filmmaker’s movie will come sometime after "Alien: Paradise Lost."

READ MORE: Ridley Scott Teases 'Alien: Paradise Lost' Will Have "Connections" With Ripley

But what is “Alien 5” exactly? Blomkamp has said it picks up after the events of James Cameron's “Aliens,” so many have speculated that it acts as a kind of wedged-in retcon that basically denies the existence of “Alien 3” and “Alien Resurrection” in the timeline. Essentially, it seems like they’re...