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Listen: 64-Minute Talk With Jake Gyllenhaal About His Career, Physical Tranformations, And Why Actings Is Like Super Mario Brothers


If he's not the most prolific actor working in Hollywood today, Jake Gyllenhaal is nonetheless one of the most interesting. This year, he’s in “Everest” and “Southpaw” (and the years-late release of “Accidental Love,” but let’s forgive him that one). He also wrapped “Demolition” a film that premiered at Toronto International Film Festival in early September and is slated for an April 2016 U.S. release. All this after a year in which he scored numerous nominations and plaudits for his portrayal of Louis Bloom in the incredible “Nightcrawler.” 

Yet, as Sam Jones, host of the TV show and podcast “Off Camera” explains, "the most profound change [Gyllenhaal has] made in recent years is one we probably didn’t realize we were witnessing, and that’s what I wanted to talk to him about. After his work in ‘Donnie Darko’ and ‘Brokeback Mountain,’ Jake found himself in the position of being very young and very successful in Hollywood, and on a pretty predictable path to commercial...