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ARMNOC 25th anniversary and the solemn event


Within the ARMNOC 25th anniversary, a solemn event was held at the Opera and Ballet National Academic Theater yesterday.

President of National Olympic Committee Association Sheikh Al-Fahad Al-Sabah

The Armenian National Olympic Committee has a history of only 25 years, but Armenia is an ancient country rich in traditions. I’m very happy to see your champions here. The Olympic hub is a wonderful building which will stimulate Armenian sportsmen to score better results. I assure I will award the first Armenian medal winner myself at Rio Olympics.

President of EOC Patrick Hickey

It’s already 25 years that the Olympic movement has been growing in Armenia and you manage to carry out relevant works to this end. The results have been obvious after Armenia’s independence. You have grown gradually which is indicated by the medals achieved at Beijing and London Olympic Games.

ARMNOC President Gagik Tsarukyan

I’m thankful to all my teammates who have been working with over these years. We managed to settle various issues in the sports, repair and build new gyms and award sportsmen to their merits. Each medal is a result of our joint work. We are not getting ready for Rio 2016 and we hope we will have better results there than in London.

During the event, various sportsmen and sports representatives were awarded with ARMNOC medals.