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DA supporters gather for e-toll ruling


DA supporters have gathered outside the Western Cape High Court ahead of judgement in the controversial e-tolls case.


Cape Town - A small group of Democratic Alliance supporters have gathered outside the Western Cape High Court on Wednesday morning, ahead of judgement in the controversial e-tolls case.

Carrying placards that read “No to Tolls” the silent protesters wait patiently under grey Cape Town skies.

The City of Cape Town brought an application to have the South African National Roads Agency’s (Sanral) decision to toll sections of the N1 and N2 set aside.

Earlier this year, the city’s advocate Geoff Budlender argued that the Winelands Toll Project had been “procedurally flawed”.

Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille branded the decision to toll the roads an “irrational” one. But, Sanral has argued that tolling the roads is a necessary funding mechanism for much needed road upgrades.

If tolling is given the go ahead, Capetonians will have to fork out three times as much as Gauteng toll road users at about 74c per km.

Judge Ashley Binns-Ward is expected to deliver judgement later on Wednesday morning.