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Jack Ryan Will Live On In A TV Series


Say the words "Tom Clancy" and ex-military granddads, cigar smoking fathers, and guys dream of going on special ops missions themselves will come out of the woodwork. Or at least theoretically. The character of Jack Ryan had a pretty good run in the '90s thanks to "The Hunt For Red October," "Patriot Games," "Clear And Present Danger," and to a lesser extent in the early aughts with, "The Sum Of All Fears." And then there was last year's "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit," an attempt to reboot the character in an unfortunately tame and fairly lackluster movie where the big threat was the ruin of the U.S. economy (though it hardly seems gripping considering politicians and bankers are doing that just fine on their own). But like any valuable property, there will be another kick at the can.

READ MORE: Ranked: Tom Clancy Movies, From Worst To Best

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