The Republican Presidential Candidates Most (and Least) like Ronald Reagan
Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate featured the requisite dose of intra-party trash talking and Hillary Clinton bashing, with an added splash of some awkward high-fives. But with the 11 candidates squaring off at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the 40th president's name was invoked often on Wednesday, too. The Gipper maintains cult-like status in the GOP, and a Reagan name-drop almost guarantees applause.
Although a Reagan reference can score points in Republican circles, the policy positions of the current crop of contenders don't always align with the late president. Using data from On the Issues, InsideGov looked at how the current Republican candidates compare to Reagan on domestic, social, economic and defense issues.
Although a Reagan reference can score points in Republican circles, the policy positions of the current crop of contenders don't always align with the late president. Using data from On the Issues, InsideGov looked at how the current Republican candidates compare to Reagan on domestic, social, economic and defense issues.