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Migrants Keep Streaming into Croatia from Serbia


Croatian police said on Wednesday that migrants have continued arriving from Serbia into the eastern border town of Tovarnik after Hungary closed its border with Serbia to halt a rising tide of migrants.

The move by the Hungarian government prompted non-EU Serbia to redirect buses carrying hundreds of migrants and refugees to the border with another EU member state – Croatia.

The migrants are being transferred from Tovarnik to the main registration centre in Jezevo, east of Zagreb, Croatian news agency Hina quoted police officials as saying on Wednesday.

A possible establishment of a corridor through Croatia for refugees who wish to continue their journey towards their desired destinations in Western Europe might be in violation of European Union laws and the obligations of member states, Hina quoted an EU source as saying.

According to a Croatian government spokesman, the cabinet in Zagreb will set up on Thursday a task force that will coordinate the activities of all relevant agencies and institutions related to the arrival of migrants in Croatia.

Meanwhile, Croatia’s neighbour and EU member Slovenia has tightened controls at its northeastern border with Hungary, Slovenia's Prime Minister Miro Cerar said on Wednesday.