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Watch: New Video Essays Ask If David Fincher Is The New Stanley Kubrick


Proclaiming any filmmaker to be “the next Stanley Kubrick” seems hyperbolic and a bit unfair. There might not ever really be another Stanley Kubrick the same way there won’t be another Ingmar Bergman or Orson Welles. But if you had to narrow it down to one pick, David Fincher might not be a bad one. Like Kubrick, Fincher is uncompromising in bringing his vision to the screen; he is reputed as a perfectionist, as someone who will go through however many takes he feels is necessary to get right to the heart of a scene. Fincher’s worldview is similarly icy, cold and defiantly unsentimental. Where do the similarities begin and end? In a new entry in The Directors Series, (courtesy of Open Culture) we examine the two director’s work side by side to see where Kubrick ends and Fincher begins.

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Personally, I don’t really buy the claim that Fincher is the new Kubrick. I think that to label any director as...