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“The relationship between Islam and Christianity is key”

It can be difficult for the different religions to live together, acknowledges the new president of the Swiss Council of Religions, Gottfried Locher. This 48-year-old from Bern is convinced of the importance of nurturing relations between Christians and Muslims. He is also concerned about the increase in cases of anti-Semitism. Gottfried Locher, who is also president of the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches, was elected to the head of the Swiss Council of Religions at the beginning of July. He succeeded Hisham Maizar, the president of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland, who passed away in May. The Swiss Council of Religions will celebrate ten years of existence next year. Yet the institution is still little known by the public at large. Are you planning to be less low-key?  Gottfried Locher: Yes and no. On the one hand, we do need to communicate more with the public. Up to now, we have published at most two position ...