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Renewed Tensions in Bulgaria's Garmen as Demolition of Illegal Buildings Continues


Tensions in the Bulgarian village of Garmen were renewed as four illegal buildings were demolished on Monday.

More than fifty police and gendarmerie officers guarded the officials tasked with the demolition of the illegal buildings, Darik radio informs.

A man residing in one of the demolished houses fainted and swallowed his tongue, which necessitated the arrival of a medical crew and a temporary suspension of the demolition.

Two other buildings will be demolished on Tuesday, which means that their total number will rise to six rather than the initially foreseen five buildings.

People are taking away their belongings, while the police officers continue to monitor the situation in the Roma neighbourhood of the village.

Tensions in Garmen have been heightened since May when a protest over loud music resulted in a massive fight.

This was followed by a series of protests against the illegal buildings in the Roma neighbourhood.