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On The Rise 2015: 20 Screenwriters To Watch


It’s that time of year again, when blockbusters start to lull, the fall festival season hasn’t quite begun, and when the movies on release tend to be slimmer pickings. That’s when we like to look to the future and the talents who’ll be shaping it, with our On The Rise season of actors, actresses, writers, directors, cinematographers and composers to watch.

We’re nearing the end, and after looking at actresses, actors, composers and cinematographers, for our penultimate piece, we’re investigating the most undervalued member of the core filmmaking team, the screenwriter. While TV is, perhaps more than ever, a writer’s medium, the movies continue to treat scribes like replaceable pieces of machinery — in fact, they’ve even started getting multiple writers to write drafts of the same movie simultaneously and then combining them after the fact (see: “Wonder Woman”).

And yet without writers, there are no movies (at least until that “30 Rock” joke about a “Transformers” movie “Written...