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52-Year-Old Proving You Are Never Too Old To Scratch The Acting Itch


This is one story from HuffPost Fifty's new series "This Will Be Our Year: 15 Women Over 50 Shaking Things Up In 2015." We'll be following 15 remarkable ladies throughout the year as they make a radical change in their lives, whether it's embarking on a 500-mile hike, starting a new career or attempting to find love on the Internet. Follow each woman's story here.


Veronica Slater, a former airline flight attendant, is trying to break into Hollywood as an actress.

"I have continued to submit auditions for several films, pilots and episodic TV shows. One film in particular I received a callback. A callback means the powers that be liked your look and also liked your audition tape submission and they want to see more of you. I went in and met with the director. I was paid a great compliment but did not get the role that I originally auditioned. In fact, at the end of my audition the director of the film turned to the casting director and said, "She only has two lines, we need to find a bigger role for her." I'm still hopeful! I was contacted by a casting director and informed that I had been submitted for a pilot project and the producer and directors were reviewing my head shots. They then asked if I would like to audition for another pilot that they were working on currently and I said yes. They sent the audition information and scheduled an in-person closed audition. A closed audition is when selected talent are invited to audition for roles. Two weeks before we were scheduled to audition, one of the producers had a death in the family.  I auditioned in July for the role of Jane Moore in the series "Canoa Heights." I got the role and we will begin filming at the end of August or September. 

"I am also working on a film called "The Back Room" written by Kathy Watson. I am speaking at two events and hosting the red carpet event at the Diamond Diva Fashion Show.
"When I think realistically, I am exactly where I should be. I prepared by taking classes and growing. I have learned the stronger I am as a person, it will make me a better actress. Believe it or not acting has helped me to develop as a person. I believe it has made me more compassionate and understanding as a person. The only challenges that I have had is learning to be patient and understand that every opportunity to audition a character presents me with the opportunity to grow as an actor.
"I know that I will achieve my goal; it's my destiny. I know that every experience in life has prepared me for this moment and I am ecstatic.
"Next up, I will get new head shots; the current photos are a year old. I will continue to study my craft by reading books and taking classes. I will continue to pray and be strengthened by my faith. I will continue to audition and network with casting directors as much as possible. I'm still trying to connect with Tyler Perry and Oprah. I would love to work with them on OWN."


Read the first and second parts of Veronica's story!

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