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Seleznev from the "big road"


Six years Antonina Kravtsova defends herself from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC? This office accused her of stealing gas. And she accrued a huge debt.

"I was in the prosecutor's office of Salsk and in the TFR. But our opponent is very influential. "

On June 8, Antonina Kravtsova sent a letter to Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov. She wrote to General Krasnov that people today have more confidence in the media, journalistic investigations than in the judicial and legal system.

Apparently, Antonina Kravtsova is right, if you recall that for the past 18 years, no one else has been at the helm of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC like Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev. And although during the years of Seleznev's reign, many criminal cases were opened against his accomplices, Kirill Seleznev himself was not injured at all. And again he was "on the horse."

But angry letters to Gazprom Mezhregionaz LLC come to the editorial office constantly.

The correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Rostov Region understood gas problems.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don includes PJSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Rostov-on-Don, whose general director and head of the board of directors is also Vladimir Revenko. The latter is called the man of the "king" of the Rostov Region, vice president of AFK Sistema Ali Uzdenov, who himself has been leading Gazprom's structures in the region since 2012. The Moscow Post previously wrote in detail about how a gas monopolist can earn on residents of the Rostov Region (mainly pensioners).

The patron saint of Uzdenov was called the notorious ex-director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz - Kirill Seleznev. So what legacy did he leave behind?

New Sinecura

They say that a lot of money corrupts. And this is clearly seen precisely on the example of the ex-head of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Kirill Seleznev, who did not understand how he ended up in the "bread place" several years ago, namely in 2003.

During this time, Mr. Seleznev, like a shabby ship with shells, was overgrown with numerous scandals. And he almost went after his notorious adviser Raul Arashukov, whose criminal case has been going on since 2019.

But Gazprom's head, Alexei Miller, quickly found Mr. Seleznev a new sinecure: Kirill Seleznev became a co-owner of Gazprom's partner company, the management office of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat.

And back in September 2019, Mr. Seleznev established Baltic Investment Company LLC (BIC).

And in January 2021, BIC, together with Rusgazdobycha JSC, became a co-owner of RGD Redesign Salavat.

The latter became the single executive body of the Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat oil refining complex.

Rusgazdobycha, together with Gazprom, is engaged in the construction of a gas processing plant in Ust-Luga, through a joint venture Ruskhimallans. Director Kirill Seleznev.

The cost of the project is about 5 billion euros. And, they say, Mr. Seleznev is the most likely contender to "master" these billions.

Miller has confidence?

But how exactly did the company of the former head of Mezhregiongaz Seleznev become a co-owner of the subsidiary of the company building the plant for 5 billion euros?

This question should be asked to the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller. Apparently, even after numerous scandals and revelations, Mr. Miller considers Seleznev a valuable frame? So much so that he would be ready to share state property with him? And a possible conflict of interest does not bother anyone.

Nor is it embarrassing that Mr. Seleznev headed Gazprom Mezhregiongaz for a long time, at the same time that this office was the founder of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat (GNS).

In those days when Seleznev, as the head of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, controlled the GNS, and some schemes were surfaced for the possible withdrawal of millions to offshore companies.

GNS became the founder of Acryl Investments Ltd for the construction of an acrylic acid plant in Bashkortostan worth 15 billion rubles.

There was talk that there could be a financial chain: Gazprom allocates 15 billion rubles to Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat to build the complex, and then this money goes to Cyprus at Acryl Investments Ltd. The main share of these 15 billion rubles may remain in offshore, and the balances will go to the construction of the plant.

Recall that in 2014 and 2015. The GNS received loans for the construction of acrylic acid production in Bashkiria in banks, which were the only participants in the competitions.

Theoretically, GNS could pass all borrowed funds through Acryl Investments Ltd. In this case, it is possible that from there part of the funds flowed to the management of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC: into bottomless "pockets" to Seleznev.

Apparently, the scheme could be this: Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat OJSC (the company had this form of ownership then) could always go bankrupt or ask its parent company Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC to pay off its obligations.

Given the fact that Mr. Seleznev was both the chairman of the board of directors of the GNS and the head of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, this scenario was quite possible.

And in the fall of 2016, almost this happened: Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat OJSC was liquidated, and Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC appeared instead.

It should be noted that at the same time, the structures managed by Mr. Seleznev repeatedly clashed with state supervisory bodies. Such a scandal erupted in 2016, and was again associated with Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat.

During the inspection, the supervisory authority established: in 2008, the GNS did not pay a fee for the disposal of washing water at the Kama-1 landfill. And these are dangerous leftovers of heptyl production. This was written by The Moscow Post.

The department considered that the company did not compensate for environmental damage -3 billion rubles. But the Arbitration Court of Bashkiria unexpectedly sided with the GNS and Seleznev. And freed the company from payments.

But how could this happen? 3 billion rubles is a significant amount. Could Alexey Miller help Seleznev?

Gazprom head Alexei Miller (left) constantly comes to the aid of Kirill Seleznev?

Or Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev acted by his own methods? It seems that Seleznev helped himself, hiding behind the name of Gennady Seleznev, the former speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (already deceased).

Mythical "dad"

Recall that Kirill Seleznev left the company amid a high-profile scandal with the family of Senator Rauf Arashukov. This was preceded by other scandals, as well as huge losses that appeared under Seleznev.

It is not clear how Seleznev could be left in a high position, given what financial hole the office was in?

In recent years, the company has shown huge losses. Only in 2020, after the departure of Kirill Seleznev, the company showed profit. Prior to this, at the end of 2018 - a loss of 1.7 billion rubles, 2019 - 9.8 billion rubles.

Kirill Seleznev left Mezhregiongaz in a financial pit. This is in the presence of state contracts for 305 billion rubles!

It is clear that in the shadow of his father, as the media write about this - the former State Duma speaker Gennady Seleznev - Mr. Seleznev Jr. feels invulnerable.

But is that true? This "kinship," it seems, was invented by Kirill Seleznev himself, but our hero has nothing to do with the late Gennady Seleznev. Kirill Seleznev just came up with a fabulous biography?

For more than 20 years, the media have been replicating the fact that Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev is the son of Gennady Nikolayevich Seleznev, the former editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda (1981-1988), the former speaker of the State Duma (1996-2003). But in all official biographies it is written: G.N. Seleznev has one and only daughter Tatyana Gennadievna Selezneva (Andreeva).

From the official biographical certificate: wife - Selezneva (Maslova) Irina Borisovna (born 1948). The only daughter Tatyana, born in 1974. Son-in-law - former press secretary of Gennady Zyuganov Andrei Andreev.

Former State Duma Speaker Gennady Seleznev

The biography of Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev is surprisingly short, it lacks details. K.G. Seleznev's marital status remains a mystery to the public.

Further, on the anniversary of Gennady Seleznev, the famous Russian director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Boris Tokarev made the documentary "Gennady Seleznev. Over the barriers. " The film crew shot documentary films in the house of Gennady Seleznev in Bakovka. Director Boris Tokarev did not see any son, but communicated with the widow, daughter, son-in-law of Gennady Seleznev.

"Son" of Gennady Seleznev is a myth invented by Cyril Seleznev himself?

Has Mr. Seleznev been cleverly hiding behind the famous namesake all these years? And easily leaves all not pleasures?

And there were a lot of them.

Scandals and criminal cases

Scandals in the companies managed by Seleznev rattled to the Arashukov case. In 2018, the sentences were received by the top manager of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Omsk Sergey Podolny and the ex-head of the Omsk Region Strategic Development Fund Alena Babiy.

Sergey Podolny

According to investigators, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Omsk has introduced several laying firms into the direct fuel supply scheme from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz to the Omsktekhcarbon plant. And the final price of "blue" fuel increased compared to the selling price by more than 200 million rubles. About this wrote in detail The Moscow Post.

How did they go to the scammers? A large-scale scam with gas purchases for the Omsktekhcarbon plant was revealed by the FSB in the Omsk region.

As indicated in the case, the nominal companies of Technical Carbon LLC and Gaznefttrading LLC were included in the current direct gas supply scheme by deception, winding up their interest to the cost of fuel.

In January 2017, Podolny and Babiy appeared in court. Both Babi and Podolny insisted on their innocence. The court appointed Sergey Podolny 5 years in prison and a fine of 500 thousand rubles. Alene Baby - 3 and a half years and a fine of 300 thousand rubles. They must compensate the Omsktekhcarbon plant for damage: everyone will pay 100 million rubles.

According to investigators, Kirill Seleznev himself oversaw several one-day companies for deliveries to the Omsktekhcarbon plant.

But there were no complaints against Seleznev in the end.

Front Firm Network

Another high-profile scandal happened at the end of 2017: then a scheme was revealed that allowed Gazprom Mezhregiongaz employees to withdraw huge amounts from the corporation. Among the suspects were Kirill Seleznev himself and his deputy Mikhail Sirotkin.

Mikhail Sirotkin

The withdrawal process could allegedly be led by Natalya Konovalenko, deputy director for economics and finance, Seleznev's right hand. Ms. Konovalenko oversaw the company's public procurement system. And she organized a "mighty bunch" of her acquaintances, with the help of which a huge network of front companies was created. These firms participated in auctions. And they became winners. This was reported by Version.

The investigation established: ANT-Inform LLC, Gazstroy North-West LLC, ProjectTechnologies LLC and Armagh LLC were cross-linked by their owners, founders and beneficiaries.

For a year and a half of hard work, this "bunch" received a navar of 400 million rubles. And Konovalenko's accomplice was Anatoly Kerculov, deputy general director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz for investments. At the same time, he headed Gazprom Invesgazification LLC. And owned a 25% stake in Transstroy.

And Natalya Konovalenko owned the other 25% of the shares of the same company. What is the interweaving of interests, repeating the distribution of roles in the layout of laying firms. Why were the investigating authorities inactive?

And does the head of Gazprom Miller still not know anything?

Gazprom tenders

Recall that Gazprom Mezhregiongaz provides supply to consumers through 48 subsidiaries. The company supplies gas to many regions. And sends blue fuel to dozens of industrial enterprises. The company employs about 200 thousand people. And such a structure constantly requires both goods and various services. That is why a scheme for the purchase of goods and services through an electronic site was introduced. And it fell!

The investigation now and then reveals schemes in which the same firms that do not produce anything come to the tender "trough." But on the other hand, they constantly win Gazprom's tenders. And organize the supply of goods and services at prices exceeding the average market by 30%.

And everything seems to be clean: there are documents on the cost and origin of goods and services, but these goods are purchased from producing organizations, and goods and services are ordered under subcontracts. Thus, for more than one year in a row, hundreds of millions of dollars can evaporate from Gazprom in this way.

But on the other hand, Gazprom nods at the constant shortage of "tugriks." And every year raises gas prices by 10-15%. Over the past 5 years, the cost of gas for Russians has doubled!

Over the past 5 years, the cost of gas for Russians has doubled!

In the hands of Kirill Seleznev were concentrated huge even by the standards of Gazprom, money. Only the head structure earned under 900 billion rubles and still placed orders for half a trillion rubles a year. And there are also Gazprom gas distribution, and Gazprom Gazenergoset, and dozens of regional distribution companies in which trillions spin. In addition, Seleznev sat on the Boards of Directors of both Gazprom Bank, Gazprom Neft, and Inter RAO, and in Mosenergo. The fact of Kirill Seleznev's participation in the work of Rossiya Bank is also important. According to rumors, through close companies, the "son" of the ex-speaker owns 12% of his shares.

And gas consumers, as Antonin Kravtsov from the Rostov province writes to the editorial office, have to sue Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC for years, which accuses their consumers of stealing gas.

Recall also how many years the regions of Russia have been waiting for "blue fuel." And they still drown with wood, straw, and kizyaks, while such as Seleznev continue to pack their bottomless "pockets."

"And when will they deal with all these gas" robbers "from the Big Road?" readers of The Moscow Post ask questions.

Yes, it would be time!