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CCP wants to make EVE Online's galaxy a little less grey


EVE Online's test server is currently trialling a "significant update" to the interstellar MMO's visuals—though that may somewhat stretch the definition of the word according to these comparison screenshots.

Starting yesterday, the Singularity test server began showing off some changes to the colouring of EVEs skies, stations and planetoids. In a blog post, CCP explains that the game's colours have become "brighter and deeper", smoothing out gradients and making lighting and shader adjustments to help New Eden look a bit less dull.

"These changes are part of an ongoing commitment to improving the foundation of EVE, and setting the game up for a thriving third decade. By deleting the grey colouring, these upgrades will bring New Eden to life like never before."

That said, I wouldn't expect a dramatic overhaul. This before and after shot is maybe the most visible example out of CCP's comparison shots, and it's extremely subtle.

(Image credit: CCP Games)

A little more contrast and a little brighter, yes. But it also feels like you're missing the pitched blackness of space, and the planet almost looks a little overcooked. That said, this is all very much a work-in-progress, and CCP is soliciting feedback from players in locations across the galaxy to help tweak these values.