Dark Horse wants wants to bring its comic icons into games
Hellboy, 300 and Umbrella Academy publisher Dark Horse Comics wants to bring its series to games with the establishment of a new Dark Horse Games division.
As detailed by DH Games' new site, the comics owner wants to expand on its library of "over 425 story driven, diverse and unique worlds and characters". While, yes, this might create space for the first Hellboy game since 2008, Dark Horse wants to kick things off with "older and less established" properties—reimagining them as "gaming first" franchises.
Perhaps that's for the best, mind. Hellboy's most notorious videogame outing was generously described by Richard Cobbett as "showing the kind of misplaced confidence that normally has people leaping off Niagara Falls while flapping their wings really really hard". The big red bloke did appear in Injustice 2, but it'll be interesting to see who Dark Horse can pull out from obscurity to kick things off.
The publisher hasn't yet made any formal announcements on what series' it'll be bringing back or, more importantly, who'll be developing these games. On its site, DHG simply writes that it is "in active discussions with the world’s top gaming companies to develop games with our IPs to be released over the next several years and across all platforms (mobile, PC, console, and cloud)."
Cheers, Eurogamer