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Greenpeace's activists have obtained permission for selling food in buyer's containers


According to the new rules, stores can sell products that people can cook or wash themselves, such as vegetables, fruit, meat or fish, in their own containers. Stores can refuse to sell ready-to-eat food to buyers in their own containers. In the final version of the sanitary rules, Rospotrebnadzor allowed selling and buying goods by weight when using dispensers that would avoid unnecessary contact with the product. The same applies to drinks.

“There are several dozen stores without packaging in Russia now, they are in great demand, because people are aware of the problem and want to buy products, not waste. Many big stores have sections where consumers can buy ready-to-eat food in their own containers and fruit, vegetables, groats, sweets, nuts in eco-bags. This is the most effective way of dealing with waste pollution,” said expert of the Zero Waste Project Antonina Evteshina.

In addition, Rospotrebnadzor allowed selling frozen food by weight, prohibited weighing products without packaging, and gave the right to stores to pack products brought in large amounts, such as cookies or nuts, themselves. The agency clarified the requirements for salesrooms and warehouses, food storage, sellers’ uniform, and equipment. From January 1, owners of shops, stalls, and fair organizers will need to install sinks for washing hands in retail spaces. According to the activists, these are positive changes in the legislation.

Rospotrebnadzor was going to adopt new Sanitary Regulations and Norms, which would prohibit selling food and other goods in consumer’s containers. In September, activists filed an appeal to Anna Popova,  the head of the agency, with a request to retain the option of such a purchase. In their opinion, the planned changes would complicate the work of stores where goods are sold by weight and would lead to an increase in the number of waste and landfills. 27 thousand people have signed the appeal.
