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Star Renegades roadmap teases more classes, bosses and maps


The infinite timelines of Star Renegades will be getting busier across this year and next, with developer Massive Damage revealing its future plans through a post-launch roadmap. 

You'll be able to try and save the timeline with new classes like the Dragoon, a damage/support hybrid that's able to absorb and rechannel fury from enemy attacks, and tango with new enemies on new worlds. Take a look below. 

(Image credit: Raw Fury)

I grabbed Star Renegades on Xbox Game Pass a wee while ago but have yet to make my own attempts to save the universe. I had no idea you got a pet dog, however, so I'll be rectifying my mistake shortly. The whole jumping to a new timeline if you fail routine also gives it some Into the Breach vibes, which I'm very much into. 

There's also a light Shadow of Mordor-style nemesis system, character relationships, plenty of nods to JRPGs and a bunch of other concepts that make it seem both seductive and very messy. 

Alex Spencer called it a "multiversal master of none," in our Star Renegades review, stamping it with a 72, but I quite like the sound of all the clutter.