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Fortnite coral buddies secret challenge: All locations you need to visit

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A new secret challenge has appeared in Fortnite, promising players a bit of easy XP. All you have to do is collect some materials and visit a few locations. Not so hard, right? Well, given that it's a secret challenge, you probably don't know where to look. No worries, we've gone ahead and laid out everything you need to know to complete the coral buddies stone age quest in Fortnite.

If you're not familiar, the coral buddies are these little purple and blue-ish goop creatures (think Flubber) that live on the coast of the Fortnite map. They're kind of the shorter cousins of the Jellie skin.

The first stage of this challenge is actually somewhat difficult, especially if you come under fire from an enemy player or get caught inside the storm. You first want to collect 300 stone (basically anything made of rock or brick) and deliver it to the coral buddies on their teeny-tiny island just a couple hundred yards from the lighthouse. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

300 stone is a pretty huge amount, and you'll be under the clock to get it to the coral buddies before the storm circle starts to close the area off. There's a few stones on the tiny island itself, but there's also a fair amount at the lighthouse. Your best bet is to probably just land on the lighthouse, harvest it for all it's worth and then pick up any more you need from the rocks on the nearby coastlines or the little island where the coral buddies live.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Once on the coral buddies island, you're looking for a mini construction site. It looks like the coral buddies are building something, and that's what they need your 300 stone for. Interact with the construction site to complete this part of the challenge. You'll receive 25,000 XP just for that.

Stage two of the secret challenge tasks you with visiting three new construction sites that the coral buddies are working on. You'll need to hit each of these with your pickaxe to "construct" the new building for the coral buddies.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

The first one is actually close by, and you may have seen it if you went to the lighthouse. The coral buddies have a construction site just outside the lighthouse on the cliff.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Location two is at the tip of a nearby peninsula in the northern stretch of C2.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Location three is in a familiar place, just behind the giant shell on the island just west of the giant whirlpool.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

And that's it. Once you've hit all three locations, you'll be awarded another 25,000 XP for all your trouble. Depending on how the storm circle closes, you might be able to finish this challenge in one match.

Don't forget to check out the Fortnite 13.30 patch notes. Bad news: We're still waiting on cars in Fortnite, but we may not have to wait much longer.

Don't forget that the waterline is frequently receding on the Fortnite map, opening up new locations to explore. We've got our season 3 map guide we're constantly updating with all the new POIs and possible new locations to come.