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Чувак нашел на eBay, в лоте старья, одну старую открытку с изображением своих пра–пра–пра–прадедушки и бабушки племени Ojibwe, рожденных около 1854.

UPD: Привожу текст по ссылке(на английском языке):

This is John Goodsky
Ojibwe name: Wah Baun O Gwan
and his wife (no English name given, in all the records she was only identified as his wife but...)
Her Ojibwe name: Wah Say Ke Shig Oke
This was recently brought to my attention as it is a post card for sale on eBay. A friend recognized the name and realized it could be family.
They are.
I bid on the photo in hopes that we get our hands on it. It is the first time both dad and I have seen it.
They are Dads great great grandparents.
My great great great grandparents. He was Born around 1854.
Interesting note: this was the same year that the Ojibwe ceded much of our territory to the US Government. She was born around 1857.
Remember: sign up at to read dads story.

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