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Over 30 New 'Jurassic World' Photos, Plus 2 New Clips & Lots Of New TV Spots


You can be damned if you do and damned if you don’t and the narrative shifts to whatever convenient place it needs to go. When reports of trouble surfaced about “Fantastic Four” a few weeks back, the general online consensus was, “well this is what happens when you give an inexperienced director [Josh Trank] a big tentpole.” And while that remains to be seen (nobody has watched the actual movie yet), what is clear is that Hollywood is investing in young filmmakers for big blockbusters regardless of their “inexperience.”

After the low-budget "Monsters", Gareth Edwards got called up to the big leagues to helm "Godzilla," and indie directors like Jordan Vogt-Roberts, Justin Kurzel and many more are developing their blockbuster-size projects (we did an entire feature about indie directors who could be the next generation of blockbuster filmmakers and you can read that here).

READ MORE: 10 Indie Directors Who Could Be The Next Generation Of...