10 Animation Directors Who Moved Into Live Action
This week, two rather different films open: "Tomorrowland" and "Poltergeist." The first is that rare beast among summer tentpoles —an original property starring massive movie star George Clooney and directed by Brad Bird, whose last film made a gazillion dollars and won him all sorts of critical adoration. The second is a remake of a beloved 1980s horror film that does not seem particularly needed, which stars Sam Rockwell and Rosemarie deWitt, both of whom we love but neither of whom are known to open movies, and is directed by Gil Kenan, whose last film "City Of Ember," was a bona fide turkey at the box office. These two directors would seem to have little in common, except for one curious coincidence: both Kenan and Bird were animation directors before turning to live action.
And so with their films on the way to cinemas, here's a quick overview of their careers and those of eight other animation directors who've turned to live...