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Новости за 02.02.2017

Lawyers: Sports agent, trainer deny Cuban player smuggling

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

Trainer Julio Estrada, left, leaves federal court, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017, in Miami. Opening statements were held in the case against Estrada, and sports agent Bartolo Hernandez, both of whom have plead not guilty to conspiracy and alien smuggling charges.…

Lawyers: Sports agent, trainer deny Cuban player smuggling

«Gazette Times» ( 

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida-based sports agent and a trainer ran legitimate businesses aimed at getting Cuban baseball players to sign U.S. major league contracts but were not involved with smuggling players from the communist island or falsifying travel documents,…

Lawyers: Sports agent, trainer deny Cuban player smuggling 

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida-based sports agent and a trainer ran legitimate businesses aimed at getting Cuban baseball players to sign U.S. major league contracts but were not involved with smuggling players from the communist island or falsifying travel documents,…

Lawyers: Sports agent, trainer deny Cuban player smuggling

«TDN» ( 

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida-based sports agent and a trainer ran legitimate businesses aimed at getting Cuban baseball players to sign U.S. major league contracts but were not involved with smuggling players from the communist island or falsifying travel documents,…

Lawyers: Sports agent, trainer deny Cuban player smuggling

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida-based sports agent and a trainer ran legitimate businesses aimed at getting Cuban baseball players to sign U.S. major league contracts but were not involved with smuggling players from the communist island or falsifying travel documents,…

Lawyers: Sports agent, trainer deny Cuban player smuggling

«The Bismarck Tribune» ( 

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida-based sports agent and a trainer ran legitimate businesses aimed at getting Cuban baseball players to sign U.S. major league contracts but were not involved with smuggling players from the communist island or falsifying travel documents,…

Повышение пенсионного возраста в России с 2017 года: таблица выхода на пенсию, последние новости

ИА "Что происходит?" 

Повышение пенсионного возраста в России с 2017 года: таблица выхода на пенсию, последние новости.

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Россия ввела режим пограничной зоны на границе с Белоруссией

Блог сайта «Главные новости дня в России и за рубежом, самые свежие факты и последние события» 

МОСКВА, 1 фев — РИА Новости. ФСБ создала пограничную зону на границе Псковской, Смоленской и Брянской областей с Белоруссией, следует из приказов ведомства, опубликованных на официальном портале правовой информации.

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Corruption: la fronde contre le gouvernement roumain s'amplifie

La Croix 

Le gouvernement roumain social-démocrate faisait face mercredi soir à des manifestations d'une rare ampleur dans tout le pays où des dizaines de milliers de personnes dénoncent sa décision d'assouplir la législation anticorruption, également critiquée à l'étranger.Aux cris notamment de "voleurs", "honte à vous", "démission", les manifestants, bravant des températures négatives, étaient au moins 100.000 dans la capitale, selon les évaluations des médias, en l'absence...

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Nun shocks Church by suggesting Jesus’s mother wasn’t a virgin


A Catholic nun in Spain has caused outrage after she suggested that the Virgin Mary may not have been a virgin after all. The controversial Dominican nun invited the ire of the Catholic Church who responded to her statements in anger.
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Congressional Republicans move to dismantle Obama rules

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Moving to dismantle former President Barack Obama's legacy on the environment and other issues, House Republicans approved a measure Wednesday that scuttles a regulation aimed at preventing coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby streams.

В Архангельске женщину с ребёнком едва не убило дорожным знаком

Life News 

Дорожный указатель обвалился в нескольких сантиметрах от маленькой девочки и её мамы, когда те переходили дорогу. Инцидент произошёл на перекрёстке Обводного канала и улицы Гайдара в Архангельске. На кадрах, запечатлённых видеорегистратором, видно, как знак сначала раскачивается от ветра, а потом заваливается, потянув за собой провод от светофора.