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Новости за 27.12.2016

Маккейн успокаивает отчаявшиеся страны Прибалтики. На очереди Украина

Блог сайта «Актуальная тема!» 

Фото: Илья Питалев/ РИА Новости

С тех пор, как в Соединенных Штатах произошло событие, которого никак не ожидали ни американские демократы, ни их ручные разжигатели антироссийских течений в Европе, – победа в выборах на пост главы Белого дома Дональда Трампа, – над миром повис насущный вопрос. Действительно ли с приходом нового избранного президента натянутые до предела отношения между странами наконец-таки встанут на рельсы стабилизации?

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Расейскія СМІ: дадзеныя з «чорнай скрыні» Ту-154 сьведчаць пра памылку пілятаваньня

Радыё Свабода 

Папярэдні аналіз запісаў аднаго з бартавых самапісцаў Ту-154, які разьбіўся над Чорным морам, пацьвердзіў вэрсію пра памылку пілятаваньня, перадае расейскае агенцтва навінаў «Інтэрфакс» са спасылкай на неназваную крыніцу.

На пл. Куйбышева будет установлен 5-метровый светодиодный мяч

«Волга Ньюс» 

В Самаре завершаются работы по подготовке к новогодним и рождественским праздникам площади им. В. В. Куйбышева, которая традиционно является центральной площадкой праздничных мероприятий.

The king of 2016: LeBron James named AP Male Athlete of Year

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James was jolted forward when the massive crowd swelled from the sidewalks and into Cleveland's streets, surrounding the convertible that he and his family were riding in. This wasn't supposed to happen.

The king of 2016: LeBron James named AP Male Athlete of Year

«Gazette Times» ( 

CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James was jolted forward when the massive crowd swelled from the sidewalks and into Cleveland's streets, surrounding the convertible that he and his family were riding in. This wasn't supposed to happen.

The king of 2016: LeBron James named AP Male Athlete of Year 

CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James was jolted forward when the massive crowd swelled from the sidewalks and into Cleveland's streets, surrounding the convertible that he and his family were riding in. This wasn't supposed to happen.

The king of 2016: LeBron James named AP Male Athlete of Year

«TDN» ( 

CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James was jolted forward when the massive crowd swelled from the sidewalks and into Cleveland's streets, surrounding the convertible that he and his family were riding in. This wasn't supposed to happen.

The king of 2016: LeBron James named AP Male Athlete of Year

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James was jolted forward when the massive crowd swelled from the sidewalks and into Cleveland's streets, surrounding the convertible that he and his family were riding in. This wasn't supposed to happen.

The king of 2016: LeBron James named AP Male Athlete of Year

«The Bismarck Tribune» ( 

CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James was jolted forward when the massive crowd swelled from the sidewalks and into Cleveland's streets, surrounding the convertible that he and his family were riding in. This wasn't supposed to happen.