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Новости за 01.09.2016

Itt az új filmcsoda, amelyre hatvan éve várunk


Alberto Barbera, a Velencei filmmustra igazgatója tud valamit, amit mások nem. 2012-es visszatérése óta – volt már periódus korábban, amikor ő irányította a rendezvényt, de Silvio Berlusconi idején nemkívánatos személy volt – mindig talál egy olyan amerikai filmet, mely néhány hónappal később arat az Oscar-gálán. Ilyen volt a Gravitáció, a Birdman vagy tavaly a Spotlight.

Onalaska tweaks ordinances for Dairyland

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Ordinance tweaks around the La Crosse Regional Airport topped the list at the Onalaska Plan Commission meeting Aug. 23.

Village hosts Holmen Drive open house

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

With input from residents, engineers designing the reconstruction of Holmen Drive/County HD presented tweaked plans for the project last week at an open house.

Onalaska church works to make Ophelia’s House hospitable

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Like many old buildings in La Crosse’s downtown area, Ophelia’s House continually requires some tender, loving care, but in this case, the compassion extends to both the residents as well as the structure. Ophelia’s House, (named for its prior owner)…

Resonate comes to Riverside

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

If you said that Resonate meant sound waves bouncing off the Riverside band shell this weekend, you’d be partially correct. But Resonate is more. It’s an event designed to bring together the churches and families of the Coulee Region for…

Look to library for help with travel planning

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The final weekend get-away is just around the corner as we settle into the fall routine of school and work. In July, I had a chance to travel to Germany. It brought back many memories of traveling in my youth…

Heider Center season aims to please every taste

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Next season’s eight shows in the Main Stage and Main Stage Plus series at West Salem’s Marie W. Heider Center for the Arts are part of a concerted effort to broaden the popular West Salem, venue’s appeal. That’s the word…

Farmers: You work too hard to not make a profit

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The story "Low prices force farms to their financial knees" (Aug. 14 La Crosse Tribune) quoted a dairy farmer named John Quaal from Fergus Falls, Minn. Quaal has lost a lot of money during the last two years because he…

Wisconsin should lead on student loan debt relief

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Wisconsin’s universities and technical colleges are the economic engines of our state. From workforce development and biotech research to improving farm production and assisting entrepreneurs, we’ve always benefited from strong schools.

It truly takes a village to raise a child

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

If your life has never been influenced by another person, then this column is not for you. The truth is that most of us can name one or quite possibly more than one person who has made a huge impact…

Pappadopoulous rolls to another world championship

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The world championship medal in logrolling might not shine as bright as Olympic gold, but the wooden medallions proudly hang in Livi Pappadopoulos’ home.

West Salem teen helps raise money for Jane Doe fund

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

This month, the West Salem High School Honor Society teamed up with 1st Community Credit union to raise nearly $400 for students and their families who are struggling.