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Новости за 25.08.2016

Nailed Down leveling up at Rockin' the Prairie

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The members of Nailed Down have been hammering out tunes for the past year and a half, but the ninth annual Rockin’ the Prairie offers them their first chance to play to a broader audience. The Onalaska-based band will open…

Bid awarded for Holmen library construction

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The construction phase for the new La Crosse County Library in Holmen is anticipated to begin this month. Acting on the recommendation from the village’s Parks, Recreation and Library Committee, the Holmen Village Board voted at its Aug. 11 meeting…

Smiles from ear to ear

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Corn, carnival and cars were among the top attractions at the 53rd annual Kornfest in Holmen last weekend. Other attractions at this year’s celebration were the parade; a fun run; softball, volleyball and horseshoe tournaments; bingo; dance performances and live…

Menches hits the ground running with Holmen Fire

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Even before he was officially signed on, Paul Menches hit the ground running as the new fire chief for the Holmen Area Fire Department. Menches officially became the new fire chief at the Holmen Area Fire District Association board’s Aug.…

Onalaska board sets public hearing for budget

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Although budget season started months ago for the Onalaska Board of Education, it’s now time for the public to weigh in. On Monday, the school board approved a public hearing for Sept. 26 at the start of the regularly scheduled…

Heider Center opens art season with artist, woodcarver

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

During the month of September, the Heider Center will exhibit works by former West Salem resident Eldora Schober Larson and Cashton woodcarver Howard Von Ruden. Although from the Coulee Region originally, both Von Ruden and Larson have lived in other…

New programs can pair readers with books

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

What should I read next? I am positive that this question has been asked of librarians since the beginning of time. Well, at least since the beginning of books. It’s not any easy question to answer, and one we librarians…

Johnson proposes joint city, county library commission

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

La Crosse County Board Chair Tara Johnson said last week she’d be open to investigating a library system merger with the city but would like to do it through a more public framework than contract negotiations.

Onalaska YMCA's new name recognizes Houser contributions

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Bill Soper acknowledges that “Y North was not a very clever name” when the YMCA in Onalaska picked it up — “temporarily” — a decade ago. But that changed Aug. 18 when the curtain was dropped to unveil its new…

West Salem 'raze'-ing an ordinance

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The village of West Salem made a change on an ordinance regarding razing abandoned buildings at its Aug. 16 meeting. The village board decided to amend the ordinance to allow the village to raze these buildings if the owner does…

Local band to debut at EMS fundraiser

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The band Nailed Down has been hammering out tunes for the past year and a half, but this is the first time they’ll have a chance to play to a broad spectrum of the local crowd. The Onalaska-based band will…

Bangor changes start times at secondary building

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Students in the Bangor School District will have a slightly different schedule when school starts again in a few short weeks. The Bangor School Board on Aug. 17 unanimously voted to change the daily schedule of the middle/high school in…

Juveniles to blame for vandalism in Bangor

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

A 15-year-old male and 16-year-old female were responsible for last week’s vandalism to numerous private and public properties in Bangor, according to police.

Big plays, relentless defense, power Bangor past Mustangs

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The Bangor High School football team has spent a lot of time stressing both to itself and anyone who follows it that it isn’t the same one that won a WIAA Division 7 state championship last season.

Проект необычной школы в Колумбии

Недвижимость Строительство для всех 

<p>Дизайн школы создала студия AEI. Архитекторы при разработке проекта сделали упор на ярость и красочность,также подумав и о рациональном использовании свободного пространства. Большой зал было решено разделить на несколько составляющих, отделив читальную зону и зону для игр цветами. </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt=""... Читать дальше...

В Санкт-Петербурге состоятся соревнования по водно-моторному спорту «Формула будущего»

Спорт Экстрим 

С 20 по 26 сентября, на акватории реки Малая Невка будут проходить Всероссийские соревнования по водно-моторному спорту в классе мотолодка «FF» - скоростное маневрирование и слалом. Состязания проводятся в соответствии с правилами кольцевых гонок международного союза водно-моторного спорта и правилами проведения водно-моторных соревнований, утвержденных Федерацией водно-моторного спорта.