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Новости за 17.08.2016

В России будут наказывать за разорение муравейников

Блог сайта «Экстремал» 

Новые наказания для тех, кто разоряет муравейники и лекарственные травы в лесах, придумали в Минприроды. Кроме того, дополнительные санкции будут введены для портящих экологию строителей. В ведомстве разработаны необходимые для этого поправки в КоАП.

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Review: New 'Ben-Hur' stands in shadow of Wyler's 1959 epic

«Gazette Times» ( 

Remaking a film that won 11 Academy Awards invites inevitable comparison, but the latest adaptation of "Ben-Hur" distinguishes itself from William Wyler's 1959 epic by retooling key character and story elements. It's still a big, biblical-era tale of power, loyalty…

Review: New 'Ben-Hur' stands in shadow of Wyler's 1959 epic 

Remaking a film that won 11 Academy Awards invites inevitable comparison, but the latest adaptation of "Ben-Hur" distinguishes itself from William Wyler's 1959 epic by retooling key character and story elements. It's still a big, biblical-era tale of power, loyalty…

Review: New 'Ben-Hur' stands in shadow of Wyler's 1959 epic

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Remaking a film that won 11 Academy Awards invites inevitable comparison, but the latest adaptation of "Ben-Hur" distinguishes itself from William Wyler's 1959 epic by retooling key character and story elements. It's still a big, biblical-era tale of power, loyalty…

Review: New 'Ben-Hur' stands in shadow of Wyler's 1959 epic

«The Bismarck Tribune» ( 

Remaking a film that won 11 Academy Awards invites inevitable comparison, but the latest adaptation of "Ben-Hur" distinguishes itself from William Wyler's 1959 epic by retooling key character and story elements. It's still a big, biblical-era tale of power, loyalty…

76 infractions relevées en marge du festival Château Perché

La Montagne 

Le festival de musique électronique Château Perché, qui se tenait pour la première fois à Ravel le week-end dernier, a donné du fil à retordre aux forces de l’ordre. 76 infractions ont été relevées au total.