Ellis W. Grauerholz, 93, of Ashland, died Monday, August 8, 2016, surrounded by his family at his home in rural Ashland. He was born June 25, 1923, in Memphis, Neb., to Henry and Erna (Timm) Grauerholz.
Ellis W. Grauerholz, 93, of Ashland, died Monday, August 8, 2016, surrounded by his family at his home in rural Ashland. He was born June 25, 1923, in Memphis, Neb., to Henry and Erna (Timm) Grauerholz.
Larry D. Meierdierks, age 64, of Lincoln, passed away peacefully on Sunday, Aug. 7, 2016. He was born on Feb. 15, 1952, to Marvin and Helen (Thompson) Meierdierks in Pender. Larry graduated from Pender High School in 1970 and in…
Norman Carl Gerkensmeyer, 91, of Seward, passed away peacefully on Aug. 7, 2016. Lifetime farmer
Ryan Braun's solo home run in the fourth inning is the right-hander's only mistake.
Envie de quitter Paris pour profiter de ces 3 jours en plein mois d'août ? Voici nos propositions en dehors des circuits touristiques, presque toutes à 2 heures de Paris !
L’ancien animateur de “Faites entrer l’accusé” prend les rênes d’une émission sur les faits divers durant une partie de la tranche de Morandini, empêtré dans son affaire de castings douteux et écarté temporairement de l'antenne.
Deep in a cavern in the Swiss Alps, an innovative system that stores electricity as compressed air is being developed in a pilot project that is a world first. The hope is that the system will give a boost to renewable energy, as well as reaffirm Switzerland’s role as Europe’s “battery”. Sun and wind energy have an irregular output. Often, lots of electricity is produced during times of low demand. So how can this situation be exploited? This is one of the main challenges to implementing renewable energy. Читать дальше...
Każda seria się kończy, życie uczy pokory – mówi Mariusz Pawełek, wciąż niepokonany w tym sezonie bramkarz Śląska Wrocław.
Podczas wtorkowego finału synchronicznych skoków do wody pań z 10 metrów duże zdziwienie wywołał zielony kolor wody w basenie.
Пять турецких солдат погибли и восемь ранены на юго-востоке страны.
Never tried taking pictures of the night sky before? Here are some basics to get you started with a DSLR and some enthusiasm.
Решили сменить номер телефона или уже это сделали? Не спешите выбрасывать старую «симку» — она пригодится, чтобы подтвердить смену номера телефона в кошельке и других сервисах, где пароли приходят в смс. Без доступа к старому номеру привязать новый будет сложнее.
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