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Новости за 30.06.2016

Beyer takes seat as Holmen student representative

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The Holmen School Board gives more than lip service to the objective of getting student input about the operation of the school district. The board has had seated a representative from the school body as a regular member for nearly…

A guided trip down Memory Lane

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The June meeting of the Onalaska Area Historical Society — held at the library on June 21 — featured a talk and accompanying slide show highlighting long gone Onalaska businesses.

Hidden from view: Rosemary Kennedy in Wisconsin

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Two books have recently surfaced about an often unknown Wisconsin resident, daughter of Joe and Rose Kennedy and sister of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Ted Kennedy. Rosemary was the third child of Joe and Rose and was born…

Congress must take action on gun control

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

I encourage Congress to take at least two steps to reduce the number of people who are killed in our country by people who shouldn’t have guns but do.

Indian dancers visit local libraries

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Brightly colored flowing saris, gangling ankle bells and exotic dance moves were on display June 22 at the Onalaska, Campbell and West Salem libraries. Dancers from the Brookfield Natyarpana dance troupe is one of the special events offered through the…

Would habits, lives change with graphic photo?

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

It has been a little more than half a century since “Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service” alerted the nation and the world to the hazards of smoking.

Obama Administration Still Withholding Drone Death Figures

Sputnik International 

In March, the White House promised to release an estimate on the number of civilian casualties under the Obama Administration's drone program “in the coming weeks.” So far, no such disclosure has been made.

Регистрация ООО: особенности процедуры

Газета «Наша Версия» 

Все больше россиян в последнее время отказываются от работы «на фирму» и принимают решение открыть собственное дело. В условиях экономического кризиса небольшие предприятия и молодые проекты демонстрируют отличную выживаемость.