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Новости за 22.06.2016

МВД предлагает разрешить перевозить детей старше 7 лет без автокресла (Саратов) 

МВД предлагает внести изменения в правила дорожного движения и разрешить перевозить детей старше 7 лет на заднем сиденье автомобиля без специальных детских кресел. Проект соответствующих поправок опубликован на федеральном портале проектов нормативных правовых актов, сообщает "РИА Новости".

Pelouses d'Auteuil


En 2013, une convention entre France Galop et la Ville de Paris permet la création du parc des pelouses d'Auteuil. Les pelouses centrales de l’hippodrome deviennent un espace de jeu dédié au sport et à la détente. Au total 12 hectares sont accessibles. Chaque pelouse rend hommage à une personnalité différente. La pelouse A est celle des loisirs. Elle comprend un terrain de rugby d’entraînement, et un terrain de football, et une piste d’athlétisme. La pelouse B est celle de la détente. Un plan d'eau... Читать дальше...

Nieuwe app ABN koppelt WhatsApp aan iDEAL

Reformatorisch Dagblad 

AMSTERDAM (ANP). Een nieuwe app van ABN AMRO maakt het mogelijk via WhatsApp betaalverzoekjes te versturen aan vrienden, die vervolgens direct kunnen doorlinken naar betaalplatform iDEAL om te betalen. Dat kan bijvoorbeeld van pas komen bij het onderling verdelen van de rekening in een café of restaurant.

De migrant à réfugié, le parcours du combattant


Lorsqu’une personne arrive en France, elle doit passer par plusieurs étapes avant l'obtention éventuelle du statut de réfugié. Retour en détail sur cet itinéraire complexe.

Hoće li Brkić u ime HDZ-a odati počast poginulim partizanima?


Mora da je odlično biti zamjenik predsjednika HDZ-a u ostavci. Možeš obećavati, prijetiti kome i kako hoćeš, vladaš strahom i u svakom slučaju pobjeđuješ jer onaj koji će postati predsjednik stranke to će postati samo zahvaljujući potpredsjedniku. Milijan Brkić sada je potpredsjednik stranke. Idealna pozicija da drugi čovjek određuje tko će biti sljedeći prvi i što će biti s bivšim prvim. Trebao je biti ministar u Vladi, ali je sve ispala prilično velika blamaža jer ga premijer kao kandidata nije htio primiti na razgovor.

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal speaks about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't.…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal speaks about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy on Monday, June 20, 2016, as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal poses after speaking about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy on Monday, June 20, 2016, as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, boats are docked at the Westerly Yacht Club in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old policy failed…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, small boats are stored at the Westerly Yacht Club in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old policy…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, a granite sign outside the Westerly Yacht Club is seen in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Danielle Hetu poses after speaking about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy as the yacht club is seen in background, right in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Gazette Times» ( 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«TDN» ( 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«The Bismarck Tribune» ( 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

Pad autističnog vođe desnice koji je srušio svoju Vladu i sebe


Propalo im je preslagivanje u Saboru, ali je počelo u stranci. Krivac za neuspjeh je poznat. Autistični vođa desnice, posve netalentiran za visoku politiku, koji je stranku umjesto iz središnjice HDZ-a vodio iz zagrebačkih hotela, srušio je svoju Vladu, obećao novu, a nakon što mu je to propalo, stjeran u kut, pod javnom paljbom dojučerašnjih najbližih suradnika, Tomislav Karamarko ipak je jučer dao ostavku na mjesto predsjednika HDZ-a.