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Новости за 08.04.2016

NATO reia comunicarea cu Rusia


Secretarul general al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, a anunțat vineri organizarea primului Consiliu NATO-Rusia, după ce Alianța a decis, în anul 2014, suspendarea acestor reuniuni în urma anexării Crimeii și destabilizării Ucrainei.

Pets putting partners in doghouse

The Daily Telegraph 

A GROWING number of Australians are treating cats and dogs as substitutes for partners and kids.

Hero teens fight tragic tide

The Daily Telegraph 

THE young lifesaver still thinks about the man’s eyes as he fought for 25 minutes to save him.

The rise of older, wiser new mums

The Daily Telegraph 

AUSTRALIA is seeing its biggest change in motherhood demographics as women delay having babies until in their 40s with established careers.

Swaddling alert as baby hip woes rise

The Daily Telegraph 

DOCTORS have issued an alert against tight swaddling of babies after a rise in cases of infants suffering “clicky hips”, which can led to painful surgery or corrective braces.

Shorten hits key seats in poll blitz

The Daily Telegraph 

LABOR leader Bill Shorten has visited an extraordinary 47 marginal seats in the past 100 days as part of a campaign blitz.

Bondi buy on cards for Mentalist

The Daily Telegraph 

LA-BASED actor Simon Baker might have a new neighbour at his Bondi Beach bolthole or perhaps he will move to secure three-quarters of the top floor of his low-rise apartment complex.

I had to stop Mum killing

The Daily Telegraph 

THE Hazel Dulcie Bodsworth who charmed local police with her baking was well known as a kind woman in far-flung Wilcannia. But she was also a calculating killer who ended the lives of three men. And now her daughter, who went to the police when she was 19, must tell the grandchildren.

Le e-cinema et la manne du cinéma à domicile


“The End”, le dernier film de Guillaume Nicloux avec Gérard Depardieu, prouve encore une fois que le e-cinéma n'est plus réservé aux projets de seconde zone. D'ailleurs, d'Amazon à Vodkaster, ceux qui veulent vous faire consommer du cinéma chez vous sont de plus en plus nombreux.

Získa obľúbenec Elyzejský palác?


Prišiel do rodného mesta, aby spravil prvý krok na dlhej ceste do Paríža, odkiaľ by riadil celú krajinu? Emmanuel Macron navštívil Amiens, kde oznámil, že zakladá politické hnutie Vpred.

На сегодняшний день напрочь отсутствует «живой диалог» между мэром Николаева Александром Сенкевичем, городским советом и народными депутатами, которые представляют николаевский регион в Верховной Раде.


На сегодняшний день напрочь отсутствует «живой диалог» между мэром Николаева Александром Сенкевичем, городским советом и народными депутатами, которые представляют николаевский регион в Верховной Раде.

Horoscope du jour: samedi 9 avril 2016

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